Saturday, September 12, 2015

Homemade face scrubs for oily skin

Oat face scrub

  • Oats
  • Water
Grind a cup of oats to get the powder, add two table spoons of oat powder with sufficient amount of water and rub it on your face for five to six minutes. A regular practice will help to get the glowing face. Oats helps in the reduction of extra oil from the skin there by the skin becomes clean and oil free.

Lemon and sea salt face scrub

This scrub is yet another best scrubs for the oily skin, it reduces the oil and gives your face a new glow.
  • Lemon juice
  • Sea salt
  • Egg white
Take two table spoons of tea salt in a bowl and add it half table spoon of lemon juice and one egg white. Mix all the ingredients well and use it as your normal scrub, rub the mixture on your face for few minutes and then rinse off with the luke warm water. Lemon extract helps to lighten the tone, acne and other spots on the skin, sea salt removes the germs and egg white promotes to tighten the skin.

Cornmeal face scrub

The cornmeal face scrub absorbs the oil from the skin and gives you clean and smooth skin texture. 
  • Cornmeal
  • Lemon juice
  • Yogurt
Mix one tablespoon lemon juice with two table spoons of cornmeal and two tablespoons of yogurt. Mix the three ingredients properly to make ready the facial scrub. Massage this scrub on your face for two to three minutes and leave your face for 5 minutes. Now rinse off with the warm water and again switch to cold water, this process helps your pores to close. Yogurt present in this facial scrub helps to make the skin hydrated and to reduce the acne. Lemon juice is a natural antiseptic and helps in preventing the black heads and to lighten the skin.

Salt and lemon juice scrub

To make this effective scrub, you will require a single tablespoon of sea salt and same quantity of lemon juice. Mix both the ingredients and apply over your face in such a way that it covers all the parts. Now, you need to massage your face with your finger tips. Blemishes of your face will be eradicated once you massage your face for 5 minutes. This is an excellent scrubber that helps in wiping all the molecular differences that is faced over the skin layer.

Cucumber scrub

Cucumber is also a wonderful natural ingredient that helps in making your face clear and makes your face smooth. In order to make a cucumber scrub, you need to take a single cucumber and mash it. This must be done after peeling the skin. Once the pulp is prepared, the next step will be to apply it over your face. You need to apply hands and finger tips over your face and all must be done in a circular direction. Once it is applied and kept for sometime your skin will appear to be clear and really attractive.

Egg with sea salt

The ingredients that you require for the same include two tablespoon of sea salt and one egg. You need to take the white portion of the egg and add 2 spoon of sea salt. Now you need to add ½ spoon of lemon juice in it. This is the time when you add all the ingredients well and apply over your face. You need to keep the yellow portion of the egg aside and use the white one. Both the ingredients lemon juice and egg are excellent as lemon juice helps in making your skin lighter and egg helps in tightening the skin. The germs over your face will be eradicated with the help of the skin lightening effect.

Honey scrub

Honey has the anti inflammatory property that helps in removing all types of skin infection. You can take two spoon of honey and half teaspoon of sugar and make a paste. Apply this paste over your face in such a way that it covers all the portions. Slowly rub your face with your finger in such a way that it covers all the portions of your face. Use your finger in a circular direction and remove the dead skin layer from your face completely. Now you must keep the scrub over your skin for 10 minutes and then remove it with the Luke warm water.

Tomato and ground oat

You need to take a large tomato which is red in color and also ripe. Now take a spoon of oat and ground it such that it is half done. Now add a spoon of sugar in the pulp and mix them well. Put it over your face in a circular motion and see the difference. Tomato is having an extra ordinary bleaching property that will make your face clear and attractive. Again oat works really well in scrubbing the spots and blemishes from your face. This will altogether give you a soothing and attractive skin tone without any troubles. You can also use this for two times in a week to get an extra ordinary benefit if you have problem with oily skin tone. You can also use it for other parts of your skin where you have black spots and scales.

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